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  • To make a reservation for a Zen Ashiatsu treatment, you can choose between two methods :

    1.You can click on one of the following reservation buttons :

    Inscription nouveau patient english                                        reservation2

    You will then have to go through a very simple procedure that will allow you to to choose the type of treatment that you wish to make a reservation for.

    It is very important to enter all the informations required by the system until you will get your appointment confirmation.

    Please note that it is essential to write any information that you deem important or essential in the “Your health state” form.

    If you don’t have any health problem nor any specific type of pain to submit, you absolutely need to write “NTS” (Nothing To Submit”) in that form in order to become able to finalize your appointment.

    2. You can also phone us at : 514.998.3316 

    We suggest that you arrive 10 minutes in advance in order to get some time to discuss your health situation with your therapist.

    Important note : As much as possible, ladies are invited to present themselves without wearing any make up. 

    *Cancellation Policy

    Please inform us at least 24 hours before you want to cancel any service that you have reserved. It will be highly appreciated!

    Thanks !



    Health mesures

    Following the directives of the Institut de santé publique du Québec and the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec, the Zen Ashiatsu Massage Clinic takes these directives very seriously and our reopening will be done with a constant concern for the protection and well-being of our customers.

    Specific prevention and control measures have been implemented in accordance with the health and safety guidelines recommended by the Network of professional massage therapists in Quebec.

    In order to protect themselves and those who will follow them, we ask all our customers to wear a mask and disinfect their hands with the antiseptic gel that we will offer them upon entry in the clinic.

    The therapist will wear mask at all times. Clients have the option to wear a mask during the session and will be asked to wear a mask for any face up work.

    In case you do not have a mask with you, we will offer you one.

    If you have an appointment but are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, we ask you to cancel or reschedule your appointment please.

    If you have been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 for less than 14 days, you must wait more than 14 days to make an appointment.

    If you have been travelling, you must wait more than 14 days to make an appointment.


    In addition, we will:

    Fully disinfect the massage table and all associated accessories with an approved disinfectant before each client enters the treatment room.

    Use the “Sanitize” cycle of our washing machine which includes steam disinfection when washing all the linen used during the treatment – headrest covers, sheets and towels – which will be changed before each treatment.

    Upon your request, we will send your insurance receipt by email.

    Clean and disinfect the treatment room floor twice a day.

    We have also installed one HEPA air purifier in the treatment room.

    In addition, your massage therapist will wear a mask ; protective glasses and a disinfected headgear to retain her hair at all times, and she will disinfect her hands and feet before and after each treatment.

    Welcome to all !

    Ashiatsu Zen Massage Clinic